Monday, November 15, 2010

No Regard Daily Previews: 11-15-10

One Game We Will Definitely Watch Tonight:
Dallas Mavericks vs. New Orleans Hornets

Perhaps the two largest surprises so far this season have been the mediocre Miami Heat and the perfect New Orleans Hornets. What's made CP3 and the gang so good so far this year? First, CP3 himself, quite obviously. With injuries cutting short his minutes last year, Paul looks like a rejuvenated man playing as if he's got something to prove. Maybe all the attention Rondo received after his playoff performance last spring pissed Paul off and he's taking it out on opposing defenses, hoping to show once again that he's the alpha dog of NBA PG's. Whatever the case may be, Chris Paul is back this year, in a big way.

His point guard perfection has led to a balanced scoring attack for New Orleans. In their first eight games, everyone has contributed offensively, with all five of their starters averaging double-digit points. As a team, they've shot an impressive 47.6% from the field.

For Big D, we're seeing a solid start to their 2010-2011 campaign, as expected. Their largest disappointment has come from Dirk and the fact that he cut his hair after a few games. It looks so much better when it's long than it does with the boring buzz cut that he's currently sporting.

Tonight is a great test for both teams, and each, with a win, can put the Southwest conference on notice.

One Game We Definitely Won't Be Watching Tonight:
Los Angeles Clippers Vs. New Jersey Nets

Actually, I lied. I'm sure some of us will watch this game. Full disclosure, I only picked this game because I needed an excuse to put up this picture of Blake Griffin holding the Shake Weight. I love this picture more than I love most things.

The game itself? Sorry, but sometimes predictions and analysis need to take a backseat to a picture of Blake Griffin holding the Shake Weight.

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