Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wordapp: Halloween Edition

Halloween is the greatest day of the year. You dress up, go out, get drunk and become instant friends with like-minded people in the streets and on the subways. As a result of this writer's love for Halloween, I did not fully recover from the weekend until this morning. So my Halloween Twitter recap is a day or two late. And for that I apologize. But what this post lacks in timeliness, I assure you it makes up for in holy-shit-I-can't-believe-my-own-eyes awesomeness.

The Celtics were the clear winners this year. First up, Paul Pierce as the Frog Prince:

Prince Pierce was later joined by some friends:

Rondo absolutely nailed it as Tiger Woods.
The Big Three with Big Papi.

Here is Marquis Daniels looking pretty damn holy:

And finally, the Pièce de résistance. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Shaqeeta:

Shaqeeta loves u
Shaqeeta and Hoopz: Halloween's sexiest couple
But wait, there's more! She sings:

Ain't nobody top that for sure. In case anyone is wondering, the mystery woman/man in the video with Shaq(eeta) is Nikki "Hoopz" Alexander. As in the contestant who won Flava Flav's heart in Season One of Flavor of Love and also a bunch of money's heart in I Love Money. Rumor has it she has won Shaq's heart as well, as the two are allegedly engaged. I'm really hoping their engagement leads to another reality show. Are you listening, VH1? I want a producer credit.

Here are a few other costumes that are just too good not to share:

Dwight Howard makes a rather convincing homeless man

Hammertime with Jamal Crawford
Rudy Gay as M.J.


  1. Oh my god this is just amazing. I am so proud to be from Boston. Shaqeeeeeetttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  2. Agreed Rachel, this is truely amazing. My favorite is Pierce as the frog!

