Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kevin Garnett is Rude to Charlie Villanueva and Probably One of Your Close Friends or Relatives

The story: Alopecia sufferer and Detroit Piston Charlie Villanueva claimed, via Twitter, that Kevin Garnett referred to him as "a cancer patient" during Tuesday night's game.

Then, Garnett released an official statement: "My comment to Charlie Villanueva was in fact 'You are cancerous to your team and our league.' I would never be insensitive to the brave struggle that cancer patients endure. I have lost loved ones to this deadly disease and have a family member currently undergoing treatment. I would never say anything that distasteful. The game of life is far bigger than the game of basketball."

Well, that clears things up! Case closed! Garnett wasn't being incredibly distasteful in his trash talking. He just made some obtuse comment about Villanueva's cancerous tendencies, a comment that definitely sounds just like a thing he would say. And it's totally accurate also, because Villanueva is a a hard-working hustle player who's never once done anything detrimental to the NBA on or off the court. So many tumors, Charlie! Get some chemo that works.

Anyway, Garnett has now given No Regard the exclusive scoop on another time he was grossly misquoted:

What he really said: "I'm a fucking asshole."


  1. Apparently KG's Twitter account has been suspended. Gee, I wonder why?

  2. Tiger got out of the cage on that on, eh KG?

  3. Kevin Garnett is know to be rude , needs to learn to respect others.

