Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bibby's World: I Accidentally Ate Cat Food

Don't know how we locked this down, but we'd like to introduce you to No Regard's newest blogging sensation... Mike Bibby! He'll be checking in whenever he can, just to remind us: It's Bibby's World, we just live in it!


So, I accidentally ate cat food.

Here's what happened...

We have a cat, Meowser, and he is awesome. My kids and I love putting him in a remote control car and driving him around the street; he loves it. The only problem is, he isn't big on eating these days. The vet said that it's because Meowser sees no reason to live, but that can't be right. We don't know what it is, but he won't eat anything unless we force him to. I've tried buying different kinds of cat food and even using reverse psychology, such as putting the food in out of reach places to make him think he needs to earn the food. Bad move on my part...

A couple nights ago, my kids, unbeknownst to me, put a plate of Fancy Feast: Gravy Lovers on the kitchen table to inspire Meowser to jump up and get it. Being used to the usual 'crunchy' cat foods that resemble cereal, I was unaware that cat food can look like this:

But it can, and it does. 

So, I sat down to the table, figuring that Quentin, my chef, had prepared this nice mysterious dish for me. Unfortunately, I was to eat it alone, as my kids always take their food into their rooms to eat and play video games at the same time. But that's neither here nor there. Anyway, I took one bite out of it and knew that whatever it was... I loved it. 

I loved it so much that I ate the whole thing and then called up Quentin to congratulate him on making me the best dish I'd had all year. When a disappointed and defeated Quentin told me that he hadn't prepared me this dish, I went on to ask my children. They had a good laugh when they realized what had happened, but I ended up having the LAST laugh. I broke out a couple more cans of Fancy Feast (Chicken, tuna and spaghetti flavors) and for the first night in weeks, we all sat around the kitchen table and had a real family dinner together. Though they didn't like it as much as me, they at least got where I was coming from. And to top it all off, Meowser joined us at the table for his own can of Fancy Feast. He's been eating it three times a day since. 

It turns out that Meowser knew what he was doing all along: bringing us all together as a family. The night the Bibby's sat around a table and ate their first cat meal together will forever remain as one of the best nights of my life. It just goes to show that sometimes you need to accidentally step outside of your comfort zone to get what you want. Sometimes, you need to worry less about what you're supposed to do, and focus more on just being open to anything. And so... 

Tonight, I plan on getting the entire family together again (Meowser, the kids, the wife and Quentin too) for another Bibby's own... Fancy Feast. 

Bibby out!


1 comment:

  1. Nice sharing! I've a question, we adopted a cat that was a stray. I bought her some cheap dry cat food. After a week she started throwing it up and won't eat it any more. She will eat soft cat food but is still throwing up. What should I feed her? I tried mixing rice in her soft food but that didn't work. What cat food is best for a cat that vomits everything she eats?

