Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bibby's World: Pilates & Social Norms

Don't know how we locked this down, but we'd like to introduce you to No Regard's newest blogging sensation... Mike Bibby! He'll be checking in whenever he can, just to remind us: It's Bibby's World, we just live in it!


Hey all,

I know it's been awhile since I last took a swim in the blogosphere, but I'm back, and I have news: I've gotten really into Pilates.

And now you're laughing.  You're laughing because you just did a google image search of Pilates and found it humorous that I'd participate in something so 'female-centric'. Well that's disgusting. It's disgusting that people can be so close-minded, so status quo, so judgmental. Yeah, I'm talking to you. Take off your sheepskin coat, cause it looks awful on you, and get ready to find out how it feels to be an individual again...

Did you know that Pilates was introduced to the world by a MAN named Joseph Pilates? That's right: 'Joseph'. I can't think of a single good thing in this world that was discovered by someone not named Joseph. And why would a Joseph sit around and come up with something girls did exclusively? That makes no sense.

So, who ruined Pilates for the modern day man? You did. You looked at the giant, sexy breathing and spine alignment machine and thought to yourself, "No, Joseph. I just can't get on board with such a scary looking machine that can only be compared to a torture rack." And so you took the 'Average Joe' out of 'Joseph Pilates'. Imagine me shaking my head at you right now, cause THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING.

First of all, all you single guys out there, take note of this .gif of Joe Pilates himself:

Do you get it now? Joey P. might be the smartest swinger of all time! He's just killing it with these ladies. And what do you, the modern man, do with this discovery? YOU CALL IT GIRLY! Average Joe, you've got a long way to go before you become Pilates Joe. But don't worry, now is a better time than ever to strap in and get started. So go out there and get stretched by a machine before it's too late!

Bibby out!



  1. I get the whole, "Chicks do pilates so if you want to hang with hotties, then do pilates," thing Mike.

    But Bibby, it's pilates, seriously man up. What happened to jogging? I think it's a soft j.

  2. I disagree Pete. I think Mike should do whatever works for him. The Lakers meditate, and they did alright last year.

    Mike: Ever check out the pilates videos on Verizon Fios on demand?

