This post was going to be a joke referring to Drew Gooden's freshly inked 5-year/$32 million deal with the Bucks as "the largest piece of the free agency puzzle," but then while browsing the Google image results for "drew gooden" there was an epiphany: He's now teammates with Brandon Jennings, the NBA's latest haircut wunderkind.
Will Drew Gooden, purveyor of the neckstache and numerous other hairstyles of ill repute, be an unforgivably bad influence on Jennings' style, or will he open the young point guard's mind like a tab of LSD?
I think he'll be a great influence for Brandon. I want to note a few things about this wonderful picture.
ReplyDeleteFirst, he looks like an identical twin to Carlos Boozer. Neither are attractive. Which is weird cause Boozer is from Alaska (I also think he's bi-racial, even weirder that he's ugly).
Second, this picture is a lie. There's no way he plays the piano.
Third, how many bong rips did the Buck's front office take before they agreed to such a joke of a deal? Thereafter, did they re-watch the Sportscenter footage of an actual deer running into a bar and causing mayhem during one of their playoff games. After that, did it BLOW THEIR MIND that this actually happened.
This move tears the roof off the league, as far as hairstyles go. I can't be sure, but I suspect Jennings and Gooden to use the same barber, a sure master at cutting heads, and I can only anticipate the coordinated styles they unveil for event games.
ReplyDeleteIt should also be mentioned that the Bucks are straight up bogarting CDR from my Nets. The only solace for a loss like this in New Jersey would be for CDR to go forth to Milwaukee and catch barber shop fever.