Don't know how we locked this down, but we'd like to introduce you to No Regard's newest blogging sensation... Mike Bibby! He'll be checking in whenever he can, just to remind us: It's Bibby's World, we just live in it!
Hey all--
So I know there's been a lot of buzz this week about a whole bunch of stuff, and I promise you I will get to all of it in due time. But before I go yabbering (sp?) off about the hot topics, I would like to congratulate the sandwich makers at Wichcraft on successfully surprising the heck out of me. Who would've thought a company with such a gimmicky name could make such a devilishly good 'wich (see, they've got me doing it too!)?
Okay, now for what everyone is waiting for...
I've been getting a bunch of guff from my dad about my lack of self-promotion, so this is me putting myself out there. I'm not big on the flashy videos that you're probably used to seeing on YouTube:
The need to turn sports players into characters with narratives is really annoying to me. I feel like most fans have no idea what their favorite players are really like. Sure, you see that Kobe is a talented and intense performer in the video, but did you know that he likes Farmville just as much as you do? No, you didn't, but you like him more now that you know it. So, here I am, getting real with you. So sit back and enjoy Mike Bibby being Mike Bibby:
*DISCLAIMER: I am not great with cameras or editing or anything. I'm trying my best, so bear with me. I bought myself a copy of Pinnacle Studio 7 the other day, and it's been pretty good so far, but please excuse any 'bad cuts' and stuff. Also, I'm cutting my first music video right now! It's just shots of me and my family playing basketball set to Stevie. Pretty cool. I wanted to set it to "We Are The World", but that song's too long.
**Oh, also, Lebron is going to New Jersey!!!!**
(I'm just kidding lol. I have no idea what's going on with that stuff.)
Bibby out!
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