Don't know how we locked this down, but we'd like to introduce you to No Regard's newest blogging sensation... Mike Bibby! He'll be checking in whenever he can, just to remind us: It's Bibby's World, we just live in it!
Recently, many of my fans have been asking me about my thoughts on rain's romantic potency, so I thought I'd write a post about it. It's an interesting subject that I can shed absolutely no scientific light on, but I will tackle it with the best of my abilities...
Hot or Not?
Let's start with this hypothetical situation* (footnote at bottom):
Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter.
The downpour is strong. The light is low. Her breathing is heavy. You wonder, "Could it get any better than this?" Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter.
"No. It can't."
The love making is good. Really good.
Has this ever happened to you???
If it has, then you are a showeraphile. You like extra ketchup on your burger, if you know what I mean. And what I mean is, rain makes you excited. A lot of my fans have asked me if there's something wrong with that, or if that makes him weird, or if he should tell his coach or his brothers about it. The answer is no. I've decided that it's something to be comfortable with.

So lightning gets your blood movin'. So what? Who cares? Think of it this way, before there was love-making music, there were nature's love songs. How crazy is that? Thunder and lighting were the Marvin Gaye of ALL the pre-music eras!
Now you're starting to get it. So the next time it starts to really come down, maybe you should keep your finger off your iPod speakers and let nature do its thing. Cause a wise man once told me, "Ain't nothing like the real thing, Bibby."
You dig?
Bibby out!
*This story is an excerpt from my work-in-progress novel:
Romance in YOUR House: A Choose Your Own Adventure by Mike Bibby
Someone's upset there's no team in Seattle anymore.