We here at No Regard love our stories. And the playoffs are where each narrative strand that was teased in the regular season is shredded or affirmed. So, here are the second round series as we see them. Some of them are late; so was Kanye's second album, and you used to love his blog. Faced. Thank you.
The NBA, or any professional sports league for that matter, has never seen a pair of twins more likely to attempt a good, old-fashioned, PG-rated Twin Switcharoo than the Lopez brothers. The guys are not only well-documented goofballs, but Mouse House junkies as well. Peep this, from a 2008 Sports Illustrated piece by Ramona Shelburne:
"Their dorm rooms at Stanford are filled with Disney figurines. They know every single shred of Disney trivia. Names of obscure characters, the actors who voiced every part, Walt Disney's favorite color. And being Stanford students, they have been known to get into spirited intellectual debates on the relative merits of traditional animation versus computer generated characters."
No doubt The Parent Trap was their favorite movie for a minute. They must be downright giddy right now that they're about to pull off the coup they rambunctiously plotted many a night while riding a mean Dr. Pepper sugar high.
Robin didn't play game one of the series, but word is he'll most likely get some burn later on. How convenient: We haven't seen Brook since April 14, definitely enough time for a Stanford grad to learn the Suns' sets. During the regular season, Brook held Duncan to 13 and 14 points, so not a bad replacement for his brother, who also had some luck against the Big Fundamental this year. If the Suns' miracle training staff was able to heal Robin, they would have applied the salve before the playoffs so he was ready for round one. But they didn't, so now we all get to watch two kids stick it to all those mean grown-ups out there.
That's really all I have. We all know this is going to be great.
You honestly want analysis of the basketball at hand here? Okay. Popovich and the Spurs in the playoffs are always something something something. Steve Nash just sees the game something and at his age is still something something. You know the big guys on both teams (Ginobili, Duncan, Stoudemire, etc.) are something and something, but the the x-factors here blah blah blah. If the Suns want to win, they are going to need Jason Richardson to words, analysis and words. Also, home-court advantage really means nothing to the Spurs and Amar'e is one championship run away from making those Rec Specs iconic. Needless to say, we're looking at a donnybrook here.
The only other thing the Suns need to worry about is the original Stanford twin NBAer Jarron Collins tattling on the Lopez kids, ruining the giddy rouse for all of us.
Defining quote
Hallie: I have a brilliant beyond brilliant idea!
Suns in 7
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