Thursday, January 24, 2013

No Regard Previews: Xs and Os

One Game We Will Definitely Watch Tonight: Boston Celtics vs. New York Knicks

The last time these two basketball outfits met, the ball game ended in a chaotic mess. Carmelo Anthony alerted the NYPD and whoever else would listen that a citywide manhunt of Kevin Garnett must ensue. So tonight, one can only imagine that the majority of TNT's coverage will center around these two competitive gents. Will they shake hands? Will they fight? Will they kiss!?

But since we pride ourselves on ignoring all that silly stuff, instead focusing only on round ball tactics and nothing else here at No Regard I'll say this: Tonight's professional basketball bonanza presents a very serious contrast in basketball playing styles. 

The Knicks (a Manhattan-based, paid basketball squad) rely heavily on shots from far away that count for three points, three-pointers if you will, as well as chucked-up bombs from New Jersey native J.R. Smith. Smith may or may not close his eyes before he wings the orange sphere towards the cylinder. They also give opponents a heavy dose of Brooklyn-born Carmelo from Redhook, whose ability to score anywhere on the floor is the bee's knees. The Knickerbocker's are known to sprinkle in some high screen-and-rolls, too, arguably the most basic play in all of basketball plays.

Here's how it works: One player, usually a point-guard, (but in the modern NBA anything goes) bounces a ball into the floor while he waits for a bigger guy to get in the way of a guy wearing a different color tank top whose job it is to try and stop him from doing great stuff. Then, the player still pounding the leather thing into the court either drives hard to the rack, hoping to score, or passes the rock (slang for basketball) to the guy who was getting in the way a second ago. This guy is now headed to the hole himself. Complicated, but true.

The Celtics (a Boston-based, paid basketball group of men) put a strong emphasis on defensive stops, so that they can own the transition game. They also prefer mid-range jump shots preceded by penetration from their two best wing players, Rajon Rondo and Paul Pierce. Sometimes, this works, but other times the Celtics lack of offensive diversity leads them to get smoked by talentless hacks like Larry Frank's Pistons (a Detroit-based basketball franchise).

Whatever happens tonight, this much we know for certain: Grown men will box each other out. Millions will watch while consuming alcohol. Lord knows I'll have a pinot noir or two. 

One Game We Won't Watch Tonight: Orlando Magic vs. Toronto Raptors

Not to brag, but Andrew and I went to the Raptors-Nets game the other day in Brooklyn at Barclays Center (don't say the "The," they don't like it when you say "The Barclays Center"). It was the best day of our lives. I learned that Landry Fields makes a living playing guard for the Raptors now. Complicated, but true.

Anyway, nobody loves Big Baby Davis more than me, but I'll be watching the All-Star reserve announcements instead of taking this one in. So sue me if I would rather listen to Charles breakdown who got snubbed or whatever. It's a free country. Obama told me two days ago. 

1 comment:

  1. Tôi đã biết về cách chữa bệnh dạ dày rất nhanh khỏi ? , Cách chữa bệnh loét dạ dày tá tràng , Thuốc và cách chữa viêm amidan , Chữa bệnh amidan mủ ,đặc trị benh noi me day man tinh , thuoc chua tri gan nhiem mo , Bé mắc bệnh viêm phế quản phổi, Làm thế nào để có những cách chữa ho hiệu quả ,phương pháp mới điều trị viêm mũi dị ứng ,Khoa học với cách chua benh viem xoang mũi, Giaỉ pháp điều trị bệnh dạ dày mới , Chia sẻ thuốc chữa trào ngược dạ dày , Nghiên cứu mới về cách chữa bện trào ngược dạ dày hiệu quả , Rụng tóc nam nữ và những cách chữa rụng tóc, Phụ nữ với căn bệnh điều trị rối loạn kinh nguyệt như thế nào , Bệnh viêm xương khớp và thoái hóa đốt sống cổ thì chữa thế nào ? Vài mẹo giảm đau dạ dày Để biết cách giảm bớt cơn đau của bệnh . Phương thuốc quý thuoc chua viem gan b Hiệu quả , Đông y cach chua viem amidan , Viêm họng và bệnh viêm amidan hốc mủ làm sao chữa được ?, Thuốc đông y chữa bệnh loét đại tràng lâu ngày . Chúng tôi chuyên nghiên cứu đau dạ dày ăn gì không nên ăn gì cho nhanh khỏi . Bạn nên biết về triệu chứng bệnh đau dạ dày Như thế nào.

