Remember when we told you that the Wizards owner must have read one of our Team Dreamin' entries after he stated that his franchise is considering changing it's name back to the Bullets?
Well, it appears as if Rick Reilly of ESPN.com is drinking the Team Dreamin' Kool-Aid, as well. Check out his most recent article in which he suggests Kobe and Lebron playing one-on-one would be the "largest pay-per-view sporting event in American history." Just a few weeks back, we dreamed that the NBA All-Star weekend would include a 1 on 1 competition and used a very similar picture of Mamba and the King in our pitch.
Well, it appears as if Rick Reilly of ESPN.com is drinking the Team Dreamin' Kool-Aid, as well. Check out his most recent article in which he suggests Kobe and Lebron playing one-on-one would be the "largest pay-per-view sporting event in American history." Just a few weeks back, we dreamed that the NBA All-Star weekend would include a 1 on 1 competition and used a very similar picture of Mamba and the King in our pitch.
Included in the article is a quote by Jeff Van Gundy, who also is clearly drinking the Kool-Aid. Van Gundy argues, "this is exactly what the All-Star game needs. Give us Kobe and Lebron to 21 and they call their own fouls." I've always liked you Jeff, but how about a shout-out to what is clearly your favorite NBA blog next time?
Whose next to drink the Kool-Aid? I seriously hope it's Coach Spo. You, drink that Kool-Aid, Erik, you drink it up!

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