Last night I attended the Celtics 12-point loss to the Spurs. I used to live in Boston and went to Cs games all the time during the 2009-10 season (cheaper cost of living = more disposable income!), and being back at the TD Garden with one of my best friends from my time living there just felt like home. As such, I got the corny idea to make a list of NBA things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving, both about the game last night and the NBA in general. Enjoy!
- Jason Terry still doing the arms-out jet thing like he's flying around the court after he hits a shot. This man is 35 years old.
- The ability of JET to score 11 points per game in the loudest possible fashion.
- The ability of Tim Duncan to get 20 and 15 without you noticing at all.
- When your team is playing the Spurs and you see Joey Crawford on the court.
- The little rush you feel when you purchase NBA tickets.
- The equally fun little rush when the tickets you purchased from a stranger on StubHub get scanned and work, like you just got away with something.
- That three-second clip of Kevin Garnett's head screaming directly into the camera during the Celtics intro video.
- KG banging his head against the basket support and talking to himself like an insane person before every game, whether it's game seven of the conference finals or a preseason exhibition against the Bobcats.
- Rajon Rondo leading the fast break and dumping it off to someone when he has a wide open path to the basket just to pad the assist stats.
- Manu Ginobili's bald spot, easily seen from the upper deck and, I assume, space.
- Rasheed Wallace being back in our lives. Welcome back, you crazy bastard.
- The AARP Knicks somehow lighting it up.
- The impending doom of Amar'e coming back and ruining everything. Let's face it, everybody likes it when the Knicks are having a meltdown, especially Knicks fans.
- The Lakers' Phil Jackson debacle and the immensely personal beef between Phil Jackson and Jim Buss. I have a strong feeling the next decade of Laker basketball is going to look nothing like this past one.
- Dwight Howard remaining incredibly detestable. Everybody needs a bad guy and hating on LeBron isn't that much fun anymore.
- Lamar Odom falling off the face of the earth. Good riddance.
- Kris Humphries enjoying his freedom from the Kardashian mafia. He deserves so much better.
- Andray Blatche being this year's JaVale McGee.
- Nick Young's "shoot every time you touch the ball and don't waste any energy on defense" doctrine.
- Kyrie Irving's incredible dribbling.
- The Uncle Drew video and the Derrick Rose rehab commercial.
- No ads on NBA jerseys (yet).
- BrooklyKnight, the terrifying Power Ranger/Nets mascot.
- Nine subway lines going to Barclays Center! So convenient! Unless there's a hurricane!
- Unfollowing Stephen A. Smith on Twitter.
- The twitter feeds of Delonte West and DeMarcus Cousins.
- Russell Westbrook's "I'm wearing this to confuse white people" post-game outfits.
- The emerging Zach Randolph-Kendrick Perkins beef. It's only just begun.
- The Jalen Rose Report podcast. If you're not listening to it, you're doing it wrong.
- Zach Lowe's prolific blogging on Grantland.
- The impending David J. Stern farewell tour. So much booing, so many wry smiles. That guy is the best.
- Mike Bibby taking time out of his busy day of listening to Smash Mouth on his Minidisc player to write for No Regard.
- The good people at TrueHoop linking to our posts.
- And most of all, this NBA season I'm thankful for the rest of the guys here at No Regard letting me get involved. Thanks, fellas.
We're thankful to have you, Dave! Great post. For the record, I take no joy in NYK meltdowns. I live in constant fear of them.