We here at No Regard love our stories. And the playoffs are where each narrative strand that was teased in the regular season is shredded or affirmed. So, here are the first round series as we see them. Thank you.
“They’re Babies and yet… they’re Geniuses.”
That might be something that is said during the course of Baby Geniuses. Then again, it might not. I got bored trying to read the Wikipedia page. From what I can gather, the plot is that of a group of impossibly capable infants going up against insurmountable odds as they face off against scientists, or burglars, or perhaps just parents, who are turned into super-villians simply because the they are adult humans and well, not babies.
As a 50-win team with an average age of 23 in their starting lineup, the Thunder are nothing short of whiz-kids (or whiz-babies), while this year’s Laker team is comically stacked. Los Angeles has a starting 10. Their coach has won a million games. Compared to OKC, the Lakers look like the MONSTARS.
As I write this, I’m watching an interminable ESPN special on the current Laker season. Andy Garcia is narrating and is obviously struggling to find the suffering in a team that won 70% of its games. I can only imagine Mr. Garcia laughing his ass off after a take: “I’m sorry, you actually want me to say, ‘After their seventh consecutive road win, the Lakers returned home… hobbling?’” Oh. Quick update while we’re on the topic of Laker Propaganda, Kobe takes a helicopter to work.
The Lakers care about what America thinks of them about as much as well, Kobe Bryant does. It’s impossible for me to get behind a team like that. The Lakers are built for the playoffs while the Thunder are frankly more equipped for the sandbox.
Defining Quote
Margo: "Stick to your rapping Ice Shtick and leave the smart remarks to those with IQs over 40."
Dickie: "It's not rap, it's mantras."
I’d be thrilled to see the Thunder take the Lakers to six, but if I have to guess, I’ll say...
Lakers in 5. Booooooooo.