Sports Illustrated: The late Manute Bol was not only a steadfast humanitarian and supreme shot-blocker, the man was also photogenic as hell. A remarkable photo gallery.
NBA.com: Chris Bosh: "...I think every kid when they dream about playing basketball, they don't dream about being a role player. They dream about being the man. I have that position in Toronto and to give that up and go somewhere else to be an addition would kinda defeat the purpose of my dreams." Well, Chris, then you have an inflated sense of your talent and a poor understanding of the design of championship teams. Did you have trouble seeing those playoff games you went to this year through your sunglasses?
FreeDarko: Guest journalism about Ricky Rubio's unhappy draft night in 2009, directly from the man who assisted Rubio that entire night.
Slam Online: Drake bringing Kobe onstage. Mamba doesn't overstay his welcome like LeBron did. And he reminds everyone how many rings he has, which LeBron did not do. Unfortunately, Drake didn't let Kobe perform this gem.
Forbes Most Disliked Athletes List [via D.C. Sports Bog]: Gilbert's fall depresses me almost as much as Penny or Grant Hill's injuries did. But the bigger story here: WHY IS IVERSON ON THIS LIST? That's how much his image scared people back when he was actually popular? For the casual sports fan of 2010 to place him on the same list as a man who senselessly killed dogs, a man who cheated on his wife at least hundreds of times and a quarterback who cannot plug his boat's leak while sailing the sea of sleaze means that they really must have had strong feelings about his fucking cornrows. (Look, I know that Iverson's been involved in some unfavorable situations similar to these other guys, but I'm assuming that the people polled don't and I know that's a reasonable assumption.)
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